Piles of maad, from the Saba Senegalensis vine that grows wild and is common to the Sahel, is seen for sale at a stall in a street in Dakar on June 13, 2023. The soft maad shells hold grains inside the edible flesh. Maad has different names across the region from Ivory Coast to Mali and Guinea. But it is particularly prized in Senegal and for sale on virtually every street corner in Dakar. It is eaten with salt, sugar or chilli, crushed as juice or made into jam. Maad provides a local source of income for those who pick, transport, re-sell and transform the fruit. (Photo by SEYLLOU / AFP)

«在西海岸加上西海岸,在东海岸加上东海岸。很简单,这就是商业。»杰森·基德的座右铭是小牛队的笑话。这是14个现代对外战略中的10个。La nuit prochaine,这是多伦多对猛龙队的侮辱,也是OKC mardi的一次尝试。这些位置的地理事实发生了变化。以小牛队为例,他们将于11月22日访问掘金队,24日访问迈阿密前锋队,以及亚特兰大前锋队。

一场比赛独特的住所,面对灰熊队,在cinq déplacements餐厅。

Malgréce calendrier,六个胜利者的儿子-在老鹰队的露天牢房中飞行的小酒馆-以及11架次的10个胜利者。